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May 28, 2004


rich grogan

Rosalie is to be applauded for all of the years she has dedicated to the City of Burlingame. For anyone present at the Safeway meeting, it was patently clear Rosalie had to weigh all of the facts surrounding this issue and render a decision that went against the big money BUT was in favor of the voice of the residents of Burlingame. Since the election, unfortunately, she has been hit with a deluge of major issues, which I am sure have caused her some consternation. Now that the dust has kinda settled I sure Rosalie will be able to see through the smoke and mirror job that Galligan and Coffey are attempting to run on her and she will start to listen to the residents, again.


Whenever I think of the "whatever-you-like-to-call-them" triumvirate I always picture the puppet cartoon. How can that be?


Will someone please tell Mr. Fuchs that Mary Janney is no longer on the the city council. In his column today he referred to her being on the city council - doesn't he know Terry Nagel won the election. Thank goodness we have other free papers in town who get the story right on a daily basis. Kudos to the San Mateo Daily Journal, Burlingame Daily News and San Mateo County Times.

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