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May 22, 2004



Has anyone ever stated that Mr. De Marto organized the group of parents who showed up that evening? I've never heard that. Did he himself say that? Councilwoman Baylock was wrongly accused of the same thing.

What is wrong with assuming that these parents showed up on their own, because they happen to be very upset and passionate about this still unresolved issue.


You are correct to question everything that Fuchs writes. He screwed up the dollars in question even though it has been quoted in a dozen other articles in the last month. There's no reason to believe he didn't just fabricate something about the superintendent as well. Fuchs was only worth reading before e-mail. Now that parents are getting the real story directly from people they trust there's really no reason to even read him.

rich grogan

Al, as long as there is the printed word, it is incumbent upon concerned citizens to read and/or monitor what is taking place. Unfortunately, the papers tend to have their own agenda; hence some of the authors, columnist, publishers, etc slant and/or distort the issues or facts. One of our greatest freedoms is freedom of the press and the other great freedom is freedom of speech and that is where the citizenry needs to get involved. It is incumbent that the citizens read, correct, and respond any news story where the facts are not correct or there is a misrepresentation of the story. One thing is for sure; apathy will not get you anywhere!

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