A Message From Your Crossing Guard
As a parent and as your crossing guard, I'm asking for some decency for the pedestrian, young or old.
If every family in this community would tell a friend and that friends would tell another -- to please come to a complete stop at the stop signs. To look both ways. By some chance there is a person standing on the corner, they most likely want to cross. Let the pedestrian cross.
I decided to write this because as I stood in the middle of the intersection of Arundel and Howard, my Stop Sign extended, a lone child started to cross. I yelled for him to stop. The driver of the car had started to cross the intersection.
In my mind, I wanted to know what was that person thinking? I myself was devastated.
There is a good possibility that next year the Crossing Guard will not be here at Washington Elementary School. So please pass my message along. Also, please teach your children to stop before they cross and to look both ways.
Pass it along.
- Margaret Raye, Washington Parent and Crossing Guard
- Written by Liz
Cathy Baylock and Terry Nagel think the City can find $60K somewhere in a $70M budget to pay for this important service to the public and parochial school kids in town, but Galligan, Coffey and O'Mahony remain unconvinced at this point. What do you think?
Posted by: Joe | March 12, 2004 at 04:51 AM
For a sophisticated town like Burlingame who likes to think of itself as a family town, I cannot believe the arrogance of some of the council members. And to be honest, I am surprised at Rosalie. Galligan's comment is that all parents should be walking their kids to school. For once I agree with Galligan, but that is not the real 2004 world and he should know that. As for Coffey's remarks, he doesn't care what happens in Burlingame and seems zoned out with his mind back in Florida. For Fuchs today to ask why kids can't be the crossing guards, I would like Fuchs to stand on El Camino/Bayswater/E.Carol/Primrose/Cypress. While fighting for a crossing guard at this junction(s) 10+ years ago, I thought for a moment about volunteering to do the job myself. The job is dangerous, folks!
Does anyone have the numbers of how much monies each school receives and how much monies it costs the school in salaries, expenses, etc. The councilmembers gave the impression that the schools receive oodles of money and so why can't they pay the crossing guards themselves. Aren't the schools "in crisis mode" themselves, so I can't understand what our "well-meaning" councilmembers mean? Anyone know?
I agree with one one letterwriter who wrote to Coffey, saying he was "argumentative and provocative. Shame on you" Absolutely and shame on Burlingame.
Posted by: Rosaline | March 13, 2004 at 06:31 PM