According to Coffey: "I'm proud...of building a $13 million budget reserve".
FALSE: Someplace in time their might have been a $13 million budget reserve, but not when you sent out your's actually a little less than $10 million. It appears you owe an explanation as to where the $3 million went. The budget reserve has been in decline since you arrived on the council. You are taking credit for the budget reserves of a past council.
According to Coffey: the reserve..."has allowed us to maintain city services...without layoffs to police, fire or other city service personnel".
FALSE: The City is down approximately 25 employees....many received a golden handshake and were not replaced...other vacancies have not been filled...a position at the recreation center was eliminated....our police department is down 5 positions....and city service fees such as sewer and water, parking fees and Planning Depoartment fees have gone up dramatically. This is actually increased fees and less employees to provide services.
According to Coffey: he "Initiated meetings with PG&E and the City Council to fix the power outage problem".
FALSE: A pattern is developing. It was Terry Nagel that spearheaded the PG&E meetings. It was Terry that formed the citizen's group "BULB" out of frustration with the City Council and PG&E. Coffey merely cut in line and is trying to take credit for Terry's accomplishments.
According to Coffey: "I am proud of ....planting trees on California Drive."
FALSE: This was entirely the Beautification Commission and his involvement at the most was to rubber stamp the project along with the other council members. Coffey is trying to take credit for someone else's concept and work.
According to Coffey: "I am proud of ...opening the Aquatic Center, Golf Range, Dog Park, and the Lighted Field at Bayside Park."
TRUE BUT MISLEADING: Coffey was not involved in the design or any aspect of the implementation of the above projects since he had been on the council only a few months. All of these projects were the result of work by previous councils.
ADDED FALSE STATEMENT: When caught and quizzed at the Candidtates Night about the extent of his involvement with the above projects and realizing the questioner knew that he had only been on the council for a few short months Coffey made the following statement..."yes, I certainly did have impact on them (the projects)...I was on the Planning Commission for 4 years where we reviewed a number of these projects."
FALSE: None of these projects went before the Planning Commission again caught trying to take credit for the work of others.
According to Coffey: "Experienced leadership is especially needed now."
TRUE & FALSE: Experienced leadership can be an asset but leaves Coffey out. There is a pattern in his character of deception, twisted self serving facts, outright false statements, hidden agendas, taking credit for the work of others and arrogance. Look it up in the dictionary, this is not Leadership. Coffey's character and statements are grounds for throwing a person out of office.
I sat on the Burlingame Planning Commission for 11 years and served with Coffey for 4 of those years. When Coffey was running for the Council 4 years ago not one fellow commissioner supported him. Why? Coffey was caught lying to his fellow Commissioners and subsequently wasn't respected or trusted by his fellow commissioners. Re-election would be a disservice to the citizens of Burlingame.
Jerry Deal
- Written by jerrydeal
City of Burlingame Planning Commission need you! If not, Run for City Council AGAIN...cuz you got my vote.
Posted by: Bruce | October 22, 2003 at 03:56 PM
Thank you for educating me Jerry. I had not realized that NOT one planning commissioner supported him when he was running for council. Just as Rosalie has not endorsed him this time around. This lack of support from fellow commissioners and councilmembers tells us volumes about our incumbent.
Posted by: Rosaline | October 22, 2003 at 10:54 PM
While we're on falsehoods, let's add the MM campaign flyer that arrived in today's mail. It contains a chart comparing the supposed positions of all six candidates on a variety of issues. On the line labelled "Position on New Safeway Store" it lists Coffey and Janney as "Willing to Negotiate"--very disturbing these days since the negotiations have moved behind closed doors. But for the four challengers it lists all of their positions as "Opposed". We have been beating around the bush for some time on Coffey/Janney statements, but now is the time to spell it out.
They are liars.
It's really that simple. Many people have heard all of these challengers say numerous times that they want a new Safeway. I've heard it said by several while MM were in the same room. The sole issue is what size and orientation it should have, but their basic positions have always been clear with the possible exception of Paul Prenderville who I don't follow too closely. If Janney or Coffey should win, it will forever be tainted by the fact that they had to LIE to do it. You can see for yourself from Oct. 29 to Nov 3rd on channel 27 at 8pm. The Safeway lie is only the most obvious one.
Joe Baylock
Posted by: joe baylock | October 31, 2003 at 01:53 AM
Is anyone else sick and tired of all the MM mailings - enough - I am begining to think it is almost harrassment. Perhaps on Saturday we will get one from his dog, a la his wife's cosy letter. Ugh - its nasty. I mailed alot of it back to Coffey and asked him to not send me any more garbage but the latest chart certainly takes the cake. Interesting too that Prendiville even showed us his design for housing on the Bayfront. Must have changed his mind!
Posted by: Rosaline | October 31, 2003 at 05:06 AM
It is harrassment! And, full of lies...could it be mail fraud as well?
Posted by: jean | November 01, 2003 at 04:03 PM
It would be nice if the MM's could have the courtesy to spell their opponents names correctly too. Paul Prendiville would appreciate it I am sure!
Posted by: admin | November 01, 2003 at 05:41 PM
Thank you Admin, I forgot to put Paul's mispelled name in "quotes" or add sic to my posting above. Today's Daily News and Daily Journal both had very telling articles about the lies in the flyer I mention above. Here is my personal favorite excerpt from the Daily Journal--"Coffey and Janney did not return numerous calls for comment". I wonder if this will cause the paper to rethink it's endorsement of Coffey?
Joe Baylock
Posted by: joe baylock | November 02, 2003 at 12:58 AM
You nailed it, Jerry. You were only 5 voters shy of gettin elected yourself. Think about it again for 2005.
Posted by: Chip Coleman | November 05, 2003 at 07:16 AM