(1)Dan has spoken 26 times in Council meetings from January 4, 2000 to the present, Terry 6 times, Russ 28 times and Paul zero times. As an accountant Galligan should do the math. (These facts are taken from the council minutes)
(2)Despite the whispering campaign from Galligan to Burlingame residents, Janney and Coffey are not the only ones who worked on Measure A. He knows this simple fact just as most residents know this fact.
(3) Russ provided advertising design services to Councilwoman Baylock's campaign that had a fair market value of $5,000. It was in-kind and not $5,000 cash. Galligan knows this simple fact so why does he keep dredging up this fiction?
(4) Galligan saying that two candidates are "owned" by the likes of three Burlingame residents seems a little paranoid to me. I don't think Russ or Terry are "owned" by anyone and perhaps Galligan is giving the three too much credit!!
Galligan should support Prendiville and Anderson but do it with facts, not fiction.
- Written by Fiona
It's pretty simple really. Joe Galligan is a desparate LIAR. He is finally seeing that the end of his term as an influential yet small man is in sight and this burns him up. What an ass
Posted by: jason cutler | October 26, 2003 at 06:56 AM