I could add a Sacramento Stupidity post pretty much every week. The authoritarian streak that runs through supposed "progressives" is strong and unrelenting. Take Scott Weiner's latest ham-fisted approach to "traffic safety" as reported in the DJ
A bill that would make California the first state in the nation to mandate speed warning systems in all manufactured or sold car models, beginning in 2030, is awaiting the governor’s signature.
San Mateo County residents, policymakers and researchers reflected on the possible impacts of the technology. Authored by state Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, it would warn drivers with an “audible and visual signal” every time they exceeded speed limits by more than 10 miles per hour.
They dredge up some associate prof of civil engineering to assert this is a good idea instead of someone with practical knowledge and research on how drivers actually react to things around them. Or an automotive human factors engineer. How much this will add to the cost of car is apparently of no importance. They even found a guy who thinks a speed limiter will just be programmed right into EV software. Another authoritarian thinks there should be sky-high penalties for disabling the system. This is the watered down version of the bill. Weiner wanted to hardwire the limit +10. And you thought it was your car.
I can think of dozens of times I have "stepped on it" to avoid a collision or obstruction on the road. I vaguely remember my Drivers Ed instructor telling 16-year-old me that there are many times when speeding up is safer than slowing down. Do we want bells, whistles and dashboard lights going off while in the midst of an evasive move? No thanks. Will Newsom continue to be guided by his presidential ambitions and veto this?
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